Everyone it trying to figure out a way to stay financially stable during this terrible economic time. People are picking up second shifts at their current job, or even finding another job on the weekend to have a little extra income. If you think you fall into that category, this next auction might suit you. Up for sale is one lot containing 218 Evergreen coffee mugs. These are all some variation of white, and should be intact and in great condition. If you are in need of some quick cash, you could resell the entire lot as one piece and make a great profit–or you could break the lot down and sell each mug one by one and make an even larger profit. Do you want all the details on this specific auction? If so, just click here.
200 Coffee Mugs: You Can’t Have Enough Java!
Tags: coffee, coffee cups, coffee mug, cup, mug, mugs
Posted in Online Auction, Online Auction Items