Monday, October 8, 2012


ProjectorA projector might be the most viable alternative to your good ol’ tiring and blurry slide projector. Face it; we’re moving fast forward in the 20th century, translucent black and white presentations are off. Most audience will come to appreciate and understand more if you bring more life with illustrative and attention-grabbing discussions. Come to think of it: colorful presentations are not just for students who are used to computer; most of the times, even the older generations will appreciate it. And there’s more advantage than what you think: aside from the savvy graphic reporting, you’re going to enjoy the ease of changing or correcting your visual aid even on the spot! Now isn’t that a smart choice? So ditch your antiquated board papers and overhead projectors, and start better and spontaneous discussions by bringing this handy and reliable ViewSonic Projector. If you’re interested, feel free to set your price in our upcoming auction by activating your account! The current bid is $87. 

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Posted in Online Auction, Seized