With a nice and comfy sofa, a bowl of ice cream, and a movie flashing on a widescreen TV, what else could you ask for? Some popcorn maybe, but the fact is, weekends can never get more enjoyable for couch potatoes if there’s a great flat screen display like this LG Model MU 50PZ90C HD TV/Monitor in the room. Just imagine: watching movies, playing games, or shuffling channels—no need to get your hands dirty outdoors because you have much to enjoy with inside the four corners of your home. The better news is that you don’t have to spend big time to be entertained by this ritzy-looking flat screen—all you need is a pauper’s bill of $15! Now you can simmer down more comfortably and spend bonding time with the family even if you don’t have the funds to go out. Think it’s a deal? Take the trip and bid in this upcoming online auction by activating your account immediately!
Tags: lg model mu 50pz90c hd tv/monitor, seized tv monitor, seized tv monitor for sale, tv for sale
Posted in Online Auction, Seized