Only a few can appreciate this fancy piece of whittled wood. If you’re the type who’s skeptical about buying from antique shops and flea markets, you’re right to be cautious. Trading art pieces is really risky because there are more fakes than genuine ones out there. But then you might not have experienced the joy of finding a real work of art and adoring it at home. Aside from occasionally cringing at the price you have to pay for a handiwork, the beauty of it will outweigh all costs. Imagine an artist devoting his time and passion, contemplating each contour of this work just to adorn a nice spot in your living room. Great, isn’t it? Now, here’s a sweeter deal: have an all-original, man-made, artist-signed wood sculpture at a price of $167. Now give up those soulless, machine-made “artwork” in your home that might already be the thousandth replica of the original. Start bidding in this upcoming online auction by activating your account today!
Tags: seized wood sculpture, seized wood sculpture for sale, wood sculpture, wood sculpture for sale
Posted in Online Auction, Seized