Hurrying to send a hard-copy to the office but your home computer has no scanner? Hang in there. Before you sulk and say “Nuts, that could probably happen” why don’t you buy a fax machine? Generally, fax machines are really the old fashioned e-mail, (who knows if even your grandpa can operate them) but at least they’re even faster than the modern counterpart. Calculate the time to scan hard-copies, compose an email, wait for the file to load, and finally when the document reaches the other line, print it for a few more minutes—you’d rather save those critical time and simply tuck the papers in the facsimile. You get the idea, but we bet you have no clue on how inexpensive it is: just a mere $5 bill (you’re right, sacrifice eating that pizza for today and maintain your diet). Brilliant bargain, isn’t it? Now believe this, you’d better be secured with these handy machines and bring one home. Just bid in this upcoming online auction and activate your account immediately!
Tags: fax machines, fax machines for sale, for sale, seized fax machines
Posted in Online Auction, Seized