Looking for a weapon that is versatile, lightweight, and compact to ensure you and your household’s safety even in day or night time? This device usually seen in the movies and cops-related TV shows hanging on the belts of policemen and security personnel while they are on patrol would surely be very useful for blocking, controlling, and striking strangers that tend to harass you or your kid. With the number of defensive techniques/maneuvers that this baton offers, there’s no surprise why this device certainly has become the most versatile piece of weaponry used by the police, security, and the U.S. military. With its functional style that fits nicely along the entire length of the forearm by gripping the perpendicular short handle, this would be a striking weapon against an attacker. For just $28 out of your pocket, you could bid for this side handle baton in this upcoming online auction. Take advantage of this opportunity before time runs out; activate your account now!
Tags: batons, batons for sale, seized batons, seized batons for sale
Posted in Online Auction, Seized