Rings are not like any other accessories, which most people wear mindlessly to complement their outfit. Except when you’re some sort of hipster, people will always assume that the fancy piece of stone wrapping around your finger contains a personal meaning. Most of the time, a ring is presumed to be given by a romantic partner; for some, it’s a sign of wealth and success. Whichever, there’s no escaping from people who will zero in the curious piece especially if you’re a male—a pretty sleek trick if you want to start a conversation with strangers in social settings. Now here’s a deal: you can now put on this lustrous talisman on your fingers if you’ve got some spare $690—a price way below what is offered in jewelry stores. Get ready to strike an impression and magnet social curiosity with this gold ring if you bid for this item in the upcoming online auction. Never miss this bargain and activate your account now!
Tags: Gold Ring, gold ring for sale, ring, seized gold ring
Posted in Online Auction, Seized