So, you got surprised with the electric bills for the nth time? Well, guess you’re not that type who’s really good at estimating the household’s electricity consumption, because you allotted something way below than what you have to pay for the bill. If it’s a common scenario at home, then you might find this wattmeter very handy in measuring the electricity consumption of each appliance in the house. For just $35, you’ll get to know what to expect the next time your mailman hands you the bills. So how’s that for better budgeting? Imagine: no more fidgeting each month and praying that you did the right budget to make both ends meet. With this wattmeter, you can now determine exactly how much to allot for each appliance; so you’ll never have to worry whether the electric bill will eat the budget for the rent. Interested to buy one? How about bidding for this item in the upcoming online auction? Start by activating your account now!
Tags: seized wattmeter, seized wattmeter for sale, wattmeter, wattmeter for sale
Posted in Online Auction, Seized