Whether you’re traveling through an international airport or inside a rustic cabin near the African savannah, you have all the power to access the web as long as you carry a charged laptop and this unbelievable 4G Aircard. It’s easy and handy; you can carry it around in your pocket, yet you wouldn’t guess that this amazing tool can let you stream videos at high speeds, play games, and even check your Facebook account all while lost in the middle of nowhere. The trick is simple: this little gadget does not rely on Internet hotspots, thus allowing you to connect as long as there’s open space. That’s great news, especially if you’re an adventurer or somebody who’s traveling a lot. And what’s more, it’s up for bid for only a starting price of $616 in this upcoming open online auction. If you think it’s great, you should not miss this deal; so activate your account now!
Posts in ‘Seized’ Category
Tags: aircard, aircard for sale, seized aircard, seized aircard for sale
Posted in Online Auction, Seized
Getting a desktop for your grade school child is both a thoughtful and practical act, considering that no student nowadays could cope with studies without using a computer. But connecting a printer beside it is a lot easier than it seems. After all, what is a personal computer if you can’t print important homework files through it? While you may not be the type of parent who can talk html to your tot, you can always nurture them on the digital age by providing them with a convenient desktop and printer in their room. Can’t find a table to land it on? Why not opt for a more conducive computer desk and printer stand for only $25? It keeps the monitor and CPU in the right place without entangling cables, ensuring a well-organized workstation. We bet it’s a find for you, so don’t hesitate and grab the chance to bid in this upcoming online auction for this item. Start activating your account now!
Tags: computer desk and printer, computer desk and printer for sale, computer desk with printer stand, seized computer desk and printer
Posted in Online Auction, Seized
Golf is all about sweating the small stuff; and when you’re concentrating on little details to win the game, you have to preserve energy for the big stuff. That’s why you should prefer traveling the golf course by wheels than by your heels. Especially if you’re injured or suffering from a bad series of arthritis, this helpful vehicle can allow you to still enjoy a great game despite the slight handicap. And if you are an enthusiast of the sport, practicing weekend upon weekend, you should never let the summer heat get the better of your training. Spare yourself from prickly heat and UV harm with this excellent Yamaha Golf Cart and maximize the game with the sports advantage it can bring. Think it’s too expensive to own? Not when you can bring this home for only $151― the price offered in the upcoming online auction for this item. Don’t let this rare deal pass and activate your account now!
Tags: Golf Cart, golf cart for sale, seized golf cart, yamaha golf cart
Posted in Online Auction, Seized
So you have a snazzy laptop. But what’s the use when you can’t scan and print the most important and urgent files you need? We bet you’d be frowning at the last minute, saying that you should have bought a desktop instead. If that’s the case, stop planning a swap for your stylish laptop—at least not yet—with a port replicator, you can always benefit from the portability of your gadget without sacrificing its ability to connect to a fixed device. All you have to do is to connect your traveling computer on it, then affix the peripheral device to the replicator. What’s more amazing is that it costs far lesser than you think: just a spare $5 from your wallet. Now, compare that to the price of getting another desktop. Need a port replicator? Grab this Computer Pro2x Port Replicator, available only in the upcoming online auction; so don’t miss this chance by activating your account now!
Tags: computer, computer port replicator for sale, computer pro2x port replicator, seized computer
Posted in Online Auction, Seized
Spring and summer are seasons filled with surprises, so get ready to keep as many memories while they’re fresh. All you have to do is to stuff your bag with a nice camera and snap it every time there is a thing or a moment you need to capture. Have new friends and acquaintances? Click. Been invited for an out-of-town adventure? Click. You and your friends got lost? Click. Trusting your memory too much won’t assure you that you’ll get to remember all those happy moments during your retirement days. After 50 years or so, you’re going to say “I did that? Thank goodness I took a photo!” Probably due to a starving pocket, you may not agree in buying one digicam right now; but remember, he who holds a camera today will have more things to reminisce about tomorrow. How about having the privilege to store memories for only $68? You can actually have this 5.1 MP Digital Camera for that amount if you join in this upcoming online auction. Go activate your account now!
Tags: 5.1mp digital camera, digicam, digital camera for sale, seized digicam
Posted in Online Auction, Seized
Want to display a really chic television set for every guest to see as they enter your home? Well, an equally sleek podium is but right to consider. Aside from it being space-efficient, this trendy television stand will definitely add elegance to your abode and spruce up your living room—totally enhancing the appearance of your entertainment area. All you need is a matching comfy sofa, and voila! You’re sure to delight each of your guests with an amazing TV-viewing experience! Not only that this platform is better than the old-fashioned television stand you’re keeping for sentimental reasons, it is also practically wise to bring this home because you’ll only be spending $35. You’ve read it right, thirty-five bucks for such a stylish, beautiful entertainment platform that really matches your classy television set. Don’t let this wonderful deal just go off your hand. Join and bid in the upcoming online auction. Activate your account now and take this stand home!
Tags: seized television stand, stand, television stand, television stand for sale
Posted in Online Auction, Seized
Glaring fluorescent lights make it hard to relax, while completely turning them off will not help with any of your late night activities, so how do you solve this dilemma? When you need a glow that is not too bright, but not too dim either, a moderate light can always be the best bet for your crib. By using this wonderful electric lamp, there are two good things that will happen: first, this will soothe your eyes as you prepare for sleep; second, this will soothe everyone else’s eyes because the light is such a charming room embellishment. And if that wasn’t enough to make you get a helpful electric lamp like this, how about saving a lot of money just by buying this awesome item? Try to bid in this upcoming online auction and you may get this gracious room brightener at a bargain of $15! It’s a great deal to catch, so activate your account now!
Tags: electric lamp, electric lamp for sale, seized electric lamp, seized electric lamp for sale
Posted in Online Auction, Seized
You know you are under a Sunday spell when nothing is more relaxing than looking at a nice patch of well-tended lawn right in your front yard. And it’s a really nice feeling to be sitting in a chair on the front porch week after week, enjoying the morning breeze and waiting for the newspaper… until you notice that the grass is getting taller again. That’s when you have to stand up, get the lawn mower, and keep the jungle from spreading in your yard. If you don’t have a lawn mower, maybe you can get one in this upcoming online auction at a bargain price starting at $5. That’s an affordable way to make neighbors smile as they pass by your property. Continue to relax on your Sundays and get a lawn mower to keep your lawn in top shape by activating your account now!
Tags: Lawn Mower, lawn mower for sale, seized lawn mower, seized lawn mower for sale
Posted in Online Auction, Seized
So how much do you need to save to buy a spare part for your Yamaha raptor? A fuse costs a few bucks here, a switch for a few more dollars there, and an axle for a whole lot more. That’s why you either have to take very good care of your bike and sacrifice a bit of the adrenaline rush or pray that you won’t break a chip anytime soon. Or, better yet, you can go on a little adventure and bid for this scrap Yamaha Raptor 350 UTV for as little as $400 to get the spare parts. It’s a lot of bulk, but if you’re machine savvy and know exactly how to take one apart, you will never have to worry about spare parts anytime soon. So how about joining this upcoming online auction for a good deal? It’s easy, just click on the link and activate your account now!
Tags: scrap yamaha raptor 350 utv, seized raptor, seized yamaha, yamaha raptor
Posted in Online Auction, Seized
When your family has all the freedom to explore the sea, what will you do? Probably every weekend will be a very fun outing when dad can go sport fishing, mom and the kids can island hop, and everybody will enjoy the fresh breeze. There is some degree of happiness as far as concerning traveling the deep blue sea, and even scientists theorize that humans are programmed to love being near the water. But for many of us, it’s simply to escape from the drudgery of the city. But there is so much to say about the luxury of the sea―the most common of which is the myth that boats and yachts are only meant for the rich. Perhaps, if they eye boats like this Boston Whaler Motor and Trailer at shops and specialized dealers. However, it’s another story in this upcoming online auction: you can potentially nab the boat for just a very low starting price of $4,510! Don’t you think it’s a great bargain? Well, all you need is to bid for the item after you activate your account!
Tags: Boat, boat sale, boston whaler, boston whaler boat, boston whaler sale, sale
Posted in Online Auction, Seized