Posts in ‘Seized’ Category

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


pianoThere are pretty good reasons why you should have a piano in your living room: first is that, it makes your space lookgrand; second is that, it pays to learn playing music by yourself. Whether you dig that baroque guy Ludwig’s sonatas or that spacey melody when you play Plants vs. Zombies, it’s certainly one thrill to learn the notes of your favorite songs and play them whenever you want to—plus the bragging rights. What’s more, it’s scientifically proven that playing this instrument will enhance your mind’s focus and boost your happy hormones. Think you’re not into being a virtuoso? Bid for this Howard Piano anyway and liven up your home with the grandiose look of this wooden mass of shiny black and white—after all, you won’t see any functional $10 piano anywhere in Wal-Mart and music stores.Think it’s a good deal? Push your luck and bid in our upcoming auction by activating your account now!

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Posted in Online Auction, Seized
Tuesday, February 12, 2013


lamp shadesSome people want to relax and turn the lights off; some want to think and turn the lights on. But if you’re in a dilemma between the two, you might want to opt for a dim light that enables you to both rest and ponder on. What we’re saying is, it’s either you need some relaxing shady lamp on your room, or you need a tranquilizer to cure your insomnia. But before you rush to some posh chandelier store to buy one, why not consider this deal: you take $31 out of your pocket, and you get your much-needed lamps and shades along with 30 more of it. That’s a steal right? You won’t just get the better lull you deserve; you will also get to help 30more broods and buddies to have a dim light too. Its eitheryou earnby selling the extras, or you stack them and start a lamp collection. However you may want to use them, you can always bid in our upcoming auction and activating your account now!

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Posted in Online Auction, Seized
Monday, February 11, 2013


cpuCertainly, today is the age of iPhones, thin laptops, wireless connections, and many things unimaginable. And maybe, tomorrow is another for digital glasses and wearable computers you only see in Sci-fi movies. But guess, despite the globe going gaga over one tech craze after another, nobody should ever take a simple, nostalgic Compaq laptop for granted. Take this trusty mobile computer during a day’s work or use it for your next hardware experiment. The thing is that this COMPUTER CPU GATEWAY E-6500 INTEL PENTIUM 4 is still functional and handy despite being out of the fad. Give it a try. We bet you need a portable computer for work, but you don’t need to starve just to buy a new gadget with a hefty price tag. While the tech war is noisy, clamorous, and expensive, here’s one device that you can utilize just the same and bid for $10. So start activating your account and join in our upcoming online auction!

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Posted in Online Auction, Seized
Monday, February 11, 2013


furnitureWhen you have this really detailed plan of establishing your own business, sitting comfortably in your very own home office and, launching a killer money machine that either earn you popularity or enable you to pursue your passion (or both); then you can start it up with the $20 in your hand. You’ve read it right brood: you can start running your office after you bid for this package of Office Furniture, Assorted for a very measly amount. Don’t believe that cabinets and desk will cost you too much that you can hardly find a means to install one in your room; hence, brace yourself with this good deal. You register in our upcoming online auction, you bid, and you take home file cabinets, book shelves, and conference table—basically the things you need to start up your life as a corporate founder. Get excited with your dream; make it a reality by activating your account and bidding in our upcoming  online auction!

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Posted in Online Auction, Seized
Monday, February 11, 2013


trailerA tank of water is just heavy, even denser than a tank of cooking oil or wine or alcohol. That’s why you need this heavy duty 1953 Butler Water Tank Trailer to use for your agricultural, emergency, or military needs. If you’re a farmer, save the time for other important things when you can; just let this trailer do the watering to the crops, so you can give more time in fertilizing and weeding out. If you’re with the firefighters, be more prepared with an extra tank to extinguish the fire faster and save lives. If you’re on a fed agency where you need to supply water to a barren and famished area, you will be able to easily transport drinking water through this trusty vehicle. Seems pretty functional eh? What’s more amazing about this 1953 butler water tank trailer is that you can own and use it for just the price of a bottle of wine! Have this for $850 by activating your account in our upcoming auction now!

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Posted in Online Auction, Seized
Friday, February 8, 2013


swissEverything that could go wrong will go wrong, if you’re familiar with genius Murphy’s little law. So better be armed with this handy and high-quality Victorinox Swiss Army Knives. Paranoia aside, this gadget is just every Joe’s must have—it’s the regalia of utility and manhood, as lipstick are to ladies. Now, if you decide to buy one because of a pretty good reason that you might need it sometime later, you bet. That’s what these Swiss Army Knives are for—to provide for needs and errands that you haven’t foreseen. Say, opening a canned good during a camping, to removing the cork of a champagne bottle, to cutting a wire, to saving a life. There are a thousand more functions, you name it. But before you ask the question, no, it’s a bad idea to buy a china version of this tool. And why buy a substandard when you can afford a heap of the original for just $75? Don’t miss this terrific buy on our upcoming auction and start activating your account immediately!

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Posted in Online Auction, Seized
Friday, February 8, 2013


cabinetIf every day is becoming just another day of grinding over cluttered files, then maybe it’s about time to organize your life, or least your workplace. Before diagnosing yourself of overfatigue, or disinterest, or work-related depression and whatnot, make sure that you are no; in fact, just chained with a disorganized, uninspiring office environment. Check out these cabinets, lockers, bins, and shelvings. You may realize that maybe, just maybe, your messy desk is already slowing you down and affecting your enthusiasm; so you better start unclogging your sight off unnecessary documents. Less is more, they say. The more space you give your mind, the more at peace you’ll be with your career. And guess, you won’t have to spend big bucks just to tone your workplace- all you need is a little $10 to take these caravan of cabinets, lockers, bins, and shelving to your office. Love the deal? Just start activating your account to our upcoming auction and clean up!

Posted in Online Auction, Seized
Friday, February 8, 2013


shredderYou need to shred papers and not your peace of mind. If you’re one of those business-savvy broods who don’t want to be vulnerable to intellectual theft and fraudulent practices, then you have to be cleverer than those foxes who want to prey on your living and identity. This Fellows Shredder is not only handy for the office, but also for the home where personal documents are stacked that dumpster divers may use to hack your important accounts or blackmail you. Pretty paranoid though, but the fact is that businesses may be punished by the feds just because they don’t dispose private documents accordingly. Let’s accept it; dumping your trash in the garbage bin is not always an assurance that nobody will ever read your private information. If you wish to keep your records secured to the last inch, you have to make sure that they will be hard to recover. And good news, to afford this kind of security, all you need to spend is a meager $10. Just start activating your account and join in our upcoming auction now!

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Posted in Online Auction, Seized
Thursday, February 7, 2013


mobileImagine a home. A good one, sans bricks, sans heavy columns and French windows, sans asphalt shingles. Here we give you the picture. How about a house on wheels with constantly changing background? Say, you have your kitchen, your toilet, your bone-chawing furball Fido, bedrooms, and all wherever you want to go. This 2006 Viking Mobile Home will definitely be the fad of the generation where a fixed location may not be the most practical solution for families with pops who always travel for work, or members who can find more opportunities to earn when outside the town. So instead of bringing yourself close to home, why not bring home close to you? No mortgages, no dealing with bad neighbors, no weekend spent on mowing the lawn. If you think it’s a fantastic deal, we’ll make it sweeter because you can live in this 2006 Viking Mobile Home for just $1500. So start activating your account immediately to join in our upcoming auction!

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Posted in Online Auction, Seized
Thursday, February 7, 2013


canoe book caseHow amazing are these two babies? Here are two wooden shelves, but what exactly makes these shelves amazing? They’re actually shaped like canoes. That’s right, these are Canoe Book Cases, and one can only wonder whether or not these book cases used to be canoes in their previous lives. Even if they weren’t, you could sure tell your guests otherwise just to wow them a little. Place these anywhere in your home and instantly add a dimension of uniqueness right away. You can grab these two book cases at an upcoming live auction taking place in Wisconsin. Where are your favorite books? Time to migrate them to a bigger, better, brighter book case. If such special items are on your must-have list, then by all means activate your account and get started right now on your government auctions adventure!

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Posted in Live Auction, Seized