Posts in ‘Seized’ Category

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Knives: Take A Stab At Winning This Awesome Lot!

knivesWe like knives, you like knives, and they like knives. Collecting these little buggers has become a popular trend all over the world. There is just something about seeing a beautifully crafted blade shinning on your mantle. Well, if your into that sort of thing, this next auction will surely not disappoint. This lot contains 350 miscellaneous knives. All are in different condition and some require repairs and some may have broken blades. These items are only available through an online auction that is ending in just over a day. The current bid on this item is $365. Plenty of people have already bid, but can still throw your hat in the ring. Want more info on this auction, simply click here for more details.

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Posted in Online Auction, Seized
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Assorted Sporting Goods: Something For Everyone!

sporting goodsIf you are a renaissance man, and you like have fun with every sport known to man, then you need to check out this auction. Up for sale is an assortment of sporting equipment. This includes, but is not limited to, bats, golf clubs, bows, ski poles, and lacrosse sticks. This is a great assortment of sporting goods and it would be a fantastic for any budding sports junkie in your family. These are all used items, but look to been in pretty decent condition. If you like what you see, and you want to place a bid, you just need to check out this online auction. It is ending in three days and the current bid is only $31. Click here for more details.

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Posted in Online Auction, Online Auction Items, Seized
Friday, August 26, 2011

211 Silver Dollar Coins: Silver Is On The Rise!

211 coinsOur economy has really taken a turn for the worst the in the last two years, and people have been stocking up any gold or silver that they can get their hands on. If you don’t wanna be stuck when the dollar becomes less and less valuable then you need to check out this next auction. This lot contains Two hundred eleven (211) US Peace silver dollars. The years range from 1923 to 1935 and most look to be in pretty decent condition. This lot is only available through an online auction that is ending in less than 4 days. The bidding is getting pretty high, so you better check it out before it gets out of hand! Want more info? Just click this link and you will be directed to this auction.

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Posted in Online Auction, Online Auction Items, Seized
Monday, August 22, 2011

Kimball Piano: Red Is In!

kimball pianoDo you own a restaurant and want to jazz it up a bit? Is you living room in need of a trendy space filler? If so, then this next auction is perfect for you. Up for auction right now is this stunning red Kimball Piano. This item is definitely used but it looks to be in working condition. You could throw this in the middle of your bar and have people come up to play all night–have guest musicians come and jam out. This could be a lovely conversation starter while it is taking up a nice section of your living room. If you like what you see, and you want to place a bid, you just have to check out the online auction that is ending in two days! Click here for more info.

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Posted in Online Auction, Seized
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Pearl Necklace: Super Nice!

45 pearlsDoes that special lady in your life have have a birthday coming up, or do you wanna just do something nice for her? If so, then you know that a great gift would be a shiny new piece of jewelery. You want something nice? Check this out. Up for auction is a sweet pearl necklace.  This asset is an 18″ strand with approximately 45 knotted cultured circle pearls. They have a slight pink color and there is a 14KY gold clasp. This piece is amazing looking and the condition is great for pearls. If you want to place a bid on this lovely item, you need to check out the online auction that starts on August 23. Check out this link for more details.

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Posted in Online Auction, Seized
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Leather Chair: Oh So Comfy!

brown chairHave you ever sat in your chair at home or your office and just groaned in agony because of the lack of lower back support. If you have, you know that the rest of your day is down the gutter because of it. This next auction is here to help. Up for sale is this Home Treads Leather Executive Chair. The color on this beautiful chair is Bombay Brown. After you set this baby up in your home or office, you will feel like a king among men. Your back will feel like its sitting on a pile of down pillows. If that is something you desire, then you need to check you this online auction that is ending on Aug 23. Want more info…just click here.

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Posted in Online Auction, Seized
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Pool Tables: It’s Your Shot!

pool tablesLets go you pool shark. We know that you have been hanging out in those dank pool hauls day and night vigorously working on your game. Now, one of the best ways to improve those skills even more is to have your own table at your house. This next auction will do the trick. Up for sale is one lot containing eight pool tables. The manufacturer is unknown, but the model is BIL8502. These solid wood frames are dismantled and will need repairs. Either way, you can keep one for yourself and sell the rest for a great profit. Want to place a bid on this lot? Well, all you gotta go is click here and you will be well on your way to owning this lot.

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Posted in Online Auction, Online Auction Items, Seized
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Pearl Rings: Check It Out!

pearl ringsYou wanna do something nice for that special lady in your life? All you need to do is get her a little something something that will make her smile for days. This next auction will do just that. Up for sale today is one lot containing two pearl rings. These items were seized and were not appraised, but they sure do look like gold rings with nice large pearls in them. If this is the case, you could get them for well under market value. Then you could give one to your lady and resell the other one for a nice profit. Either way, these are fantastic looking pieces of jewelry. These are only available through an online auction that is ending in just over 24 hours. Click here for more info.

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Posted in Online Auction, Online Auction Items, Seized
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Silver Lighter: God Bless America!

SOL lighterEven the though the Fourth of July just passed, you can still have pride in your country. Don’t be ashamed to show everyone that you are proud to be an American. This next item, if you are a smoker or not, is something truly something awesome. Up for auction is a this silver tone lighter with the Statue of Liberty engraed on one side. There is also green enamel on the top and sides of this piece. This asset was made in France and looks to be in pretty great condition. This item is only avialable at an online auction that is schedueled for July 19. This means that you still have some time check out the item in more detial. Want to do that? Simply click here and check it out.

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Posted in Online Auction, Seized
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

FEMA Trailer: Yes, We Have The Info!

2005 foresterThese assets have been selling like hot cakes and we know that you guys are interested in them. Here is your chance to snag one of these great items for well under market value. Up for auction today is a 2005 Forest River Surveyor Trailer. This item shows wear, and should be noted that repairs are required. But, if you invest some money, and fix this bad boy up, you should have a pretty sweet trailer on your hands. You can then resell it for a great profit because you obtained it for a great price at a government auction. These trailers were left over from Hurricane Katrina, and now the government just needs to get them out of their inventory. This is only for an online auction that is ending today. Click here for more info.

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Posted in Online Auction, Seized