Posts Tagged with ‘chanel watch’

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Chanel Diamond Titanium Watch: Bold and Beautiful

chanel diamond watchTake this opportunity to get your hands on this Chanel Diamond Titanium Watch, which is available at this upcoming live auction based in Riverside, California. This gorgeous wristwatch, designed for women, is laced with diamonds topped on solid titanium. It’s a heavy work of art, but it gives off this aura of elegance you can rarely find with such a solid piece. It will come as no surprise that this watch will fetch a hefty price at this auction, but just exactly how much, no one knows for sure. What can be certain is that it’ll likely go for much less than what it could go for in a standard jewelry store. If you’re looking to add this piece to your collection or wardrobe, you can start right here, get more information, just by activating your account. Don’t wait. Start now and look into the countless government auctions happening around the country each day.

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Posted in Live Auction, Live Auction Items, Seized