Posts Tagged with ‘handheld console sale’

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Nintendo DSSure, this Nintendo DS Lite may be outdated compared to the Nintendo DSi or the Nintendo 3DS, but that’s not to say that this amazing handheld console isn’t at all entertaining. In fact, the DS Lite is perhaps the most successful version of all the devices in the Nintendo DS family. It is, after all, the most recent line since the end of the popular Game Boys of the ’80s and ’90s. This Nintendo DS is up at an upcoming online auction, and it’s only going for $36 as its current bid! That would be an absolute steal if the console sells at that price. If it’s Mario or Zelda, or Pokémon or Metroid, the popular Nintendo titles never die and will continue to be hours of endless entertainment. If you want to keep an eye on this auction or find out more just like it all over the country, you must activate your account now!

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Posted in Online Auction, Seized