Posts Tagged with ‘ibm laptop’

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


IBM thinkpadsHere are two IBM Thinkpads that are available at an upcoming live auction taking place in the next few weeks. IBM Thinkpads are highly recommended for those that are constantly on the go and need to get their work done. These laptops are very durable and reliable, yet are also moderately sized—not too small that you can’t see anything on the screen and not too big that it weighs you down. These laptops are ideal for running your everyday work programs like Word or Excel, your internet needs and for your video or photo-editing purposes. Bring one to the coffeeshop and catch up to your deadlines! Save the other one for home or stash it as a backup. Do yourself a favor and lend your own career a hand. Find out more about auctions just like these laptops today by activating your account!

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Posted in Live Auction, Seized