Posts Tagged with ‘kawasaki mule 1996 kawasaki 2500 mule for sale’

Monday, March 18, 2013


muleOnce upon a time, farmers need to run to get to the other side of their 5-hectare land and golfing was a heavy sport because they need to walk a lot before they get to the next hole. Then came this Kawasaki’s Mule, which definitely has both the agility of a bicycle and the payload of a pickup truck. Farmers, theme park crews and golfers rejoiced because they can now do their work without risking arthritis 20years after. The same goes to you. When you need to transport too often but don’t want to carry a heavy weight vehicle every now and then, this versatile 1996 Kawasaki 2500 Mule maybe for you. Go driving easily on open fields and wide spaces— now you can without much fuss. And what’s more, it will only cost you $797 if you bid for this in this open online auction. Great deal right? We bet you want to activate your account now. Better chase the offer before it passes!

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Posted in Online Auction, Seized