This is a Lacquer Wall Hanging that features an awesome painting being offered up really soon in an upcoming live auction. This wall art gives off a very exotic feel to it with signs pointing to an artist either from Asia or very knowledgeable on Asian terrain and culture. This piece stands about four feet tall and looks to be very new given the clean state its in. Place this right in your living room to give your cozy quarters a more unique feel to it. Or place this in your bedroom to change the atmosphere a bit. Wherever you do plan on putting this wall hanging, it’s sure to add a different dimension to the room. This item is going to be sold very soon, so by activating your account you can find out much more about items just like this and other government auctions happening around you today!
Posts Tagged with ‘lacquer wall hanging’
Tags: home decor, lacquer wall hanging, sale, wall decor, wall hanging, wall painting, wall painting sale
Posted in Live Auction, Seized