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Minnesota Foreclosures

INSTRUCTIONS: You selected Minnesota Foreclosures.  Minnesota currently has 22 Foreclosure & Other-Type Properties Listed. Click "VIEW" for each property to see additional real estate information about it. Otherwise, pick a county within MN to view foreclosure or other properties in that county

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Aitkin| Anoka| Becker| Beltrami| Benton| Big Stone| Blue Earth| Brown| Carlton| Carver| Cass| Chippewa| Chisago| Clay| Clearwater| Cook| Cottonwood| Crow Wing| Dakota| Dodge| Douglas| Faribault| Fillmore| Freeborn| Goodhue| Grant| Hennepin| Houston| Hubbard| Isanti| Itasca| Jackson| Kanabec| Kandiyohi| Kittson| Koochiching| Lac Qui Parle| Lake| Lake of the Woods| Le Sueur| Lincoln| Lyon| Mahnomen| Marshall| Martin| McLeod| Meeker| Mille Lacs| Morrison| Mower| Murray| Nicollet| Nobles| Norman| Olmsted| Otter Tail| Pennington| Pine| Pipestone| Polk| Pope| Ramsey| Red Lake| Redwood| Renville| Rice| Rock| Roseau| Saint Louis| Scott| Sherburne| Sibley| Stearns| Steele| Stevens| Swift| Todd| Traverse| Wabasha| Wadena| Waseca| Washington| Watonwan| Wilkin| Winona| Wright| Yellow Medicine|

Showing 1 - 10 out of 22

VIEW Photo Type City Zip Bed/Bath Price
VIEW----ForeclosureInternational Falls566492/1  $28900 
VIEWForeclosureEllsworth561293/1  $60600 
VIEW----ForeclosureDawson562323/1  $80000 
VIEW----ForeclosureHoyt Lakes557502/1  $89000 
VIEW----ForeclosureMankato560013/1  $102816 
VIEW----ForeclosureHartland560422/1  $119000 
VIEW----ForeclosureBig Falls566273/2  $144000 
VIEW----ForeclosureWest Saint Paul551182/2  $179000 
VIEWForeclosureMilaca563533/2  $207000 
VIEWForeclosureMcgregor557603/1  $209500 

View Page: 12 3

Aitkin| Anoka| Becker| Beltrami| Benton| Big Stone| Blue Earth| Brown| Carlton| Carver| Cass| Chippewa| Chisago| Clay| Clearwater| Cook| Cottonwood| Crow Wing| Dakota| Dodge| Douglas| Faribault| Fillmore| Freeborn| Goodhue| Grant| Hennepin| Houston| Hubbard| Isanti| Itasca| Jackson| Kanabec| Kandiyohi| Kittson| Koochiching| Lac Qui Parle| Lake| Lake of the Woods| Le Sueur| Lincoln| Lyon| Mahnomen| Marshall| Martin| McLeod| Meeker| Mille Lacs| Morrison| Mower| Murray| Nicollet| Nobles| Norman| Olmsted| Otter Tail| Pennington| Pine| Pipestone| Polk| Pope| Ramsey| Red Lake| Redwood| Renville| Rice| Rock| Roseau| Saint Louis| Scott| Sherburne| Sibley| Stearns| Steele| Stevens| Swift| Todd| Traverse| Wabasha| Wadena| Waseca| Washington| Watonwan| Wilkin| Winona| Wright| Yellow Medicine|

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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

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